Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thank you, PennDOT!

I'm happy to report a snippet or two of evidence that this blog has at least some readership among the route's customers.

The main such snippet is that on both the 2/15 and 2/22 deliveries, the "unresponsive" traffic signal that I'd spouted off about in this blog less than two weeks earlier, turned green _instantly_ in response to my pickup truck's presence! Voila, two minutes shaved off my delivery time; the easiest two minutes I've ever shaved off.

That had _never_ happened before at that particular signal, in my whole two years of doing the route. When it happened on 2/15, I thought it might be a freak, but when it happened again on 2/22, there was no longer any doubt that PennDOT had done something.

The prime "suspect" of who to hereby thank (just like in 2007 when he got a certain new "Motor Vehicles Only" sign removed from the ramp leading from Business Rt. 6 onto Rt. 11 northbound just west of Dickson City after I'd spouted off on the internet about _that_, thereby upholding cyclists' Right to Travel from Scranton to Clarks Summit, Lenoxville or Canada) is a certain customer on the route who happens to also be a PennDOT bigwig and cycling-event-participation buddy of mine, going back years before I became a paper boy.

A second snippet of evidence, this one admittedly less definitive, that customers might be reading this blog (or equally likely in this case: they read the obituaries in the 2/11 Times-Tribune) is that on the door of another customer, I found a sympathy card, which I also hereby thank them for.

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